We’ve had a busy start to the year!

I hope you like the changes we have made to our website which reflect the range of different services that we are now offering…………..

There’s a new weekly movement class based on the Feldenkrais Method. It’s great to witness participants exploring variations of movement……some seemingly quite abstract …..but then to witness how this has informed a new, easier and more integrated way of moving generally. Can we keep these options & variations around as a resource on other levels too, as we navigate challenges and demands we are confronted with?

Charlie is moving towards the last stages of her training in the Feldenkrais method so will also soon be offering hands on individual lessons.

We offered the ‘Love & Loss’ workshop again in January. This workshop was designed alongside devising our show ‘Total Eclipse’ and is very much informed by the themes and experiences that surfaced for Jose and I in our improvisations and conversations.

I really appreciated the depth of sharing from workshop participants and the level of creativity - different ways through movement, the imagination, performance and mutual support to share what we learn from losses in our lives and what we need in order to more completely let go.

Our Arts Council application has just been submitted. Jose has been working very hard to complete the application and create a potential tour for ‘Total Eclipse’ beginning in May this year – so please keep fingers crossed for us !

In March we have an exciting opportunity to offer a workshop in collaboration with the Maya Centre, a counselling service to women in North London. We will be hosting this at Artworks and are very much looking forward to it.

It has taken some time to finalise a contract between Moving Pieces and Roehampton University in order to begin research commissioned by the company based on a PhD proposal submitted by Charlie in 2016. We have now found the right candidate and the process has begun which is very exciting! If you would like to know more check out our new ‘research’ menu button.

We now have two interns and one student on placement with us – continuing to work collaboratively on identifying and developing core components of the Moving Pieces approach to include in an Introductory Level 1 Training which will be offered by the end of 2019. This training is aimed at arts based mental health professionals and applied theatre practitioners. So watch this space!

By: Charlie Blowers

Moving Pieces